Blind users experience the Internet
Hans Hillen and Dr. Vanessa Evers, University of Amsterdam
This case study describes the research of Dr. Vanessa Evers and Drs. Hans Hillen (University of Amsterdam) on website navigation for blind Internet users. In this research the problems which occur in website navigation for blind Internet users were evaluated. We also evaluated the strategies that blind people use to deal with inaccessible websites.
Section 1: What is it like to be a blind user?

The goal of this section is to increase awareness of website accessibility. This section is for those who want to know more about what it means to navigate a website in a non visual manner. We will describe the problems as encountered by blind Internet users and how these problems can be prevented by web designers. Movie clips and examples are included to give you a real experience of what it is like to be a blind user.
Click here to enter section 1 : 'What is it like to be a blind user?'
Section 2: Who we are

Find out more about Hans Hillen and Vanessa Evers, the authors of this case study. This section contains information about our background, interests and experience.
Click here to enter section 2 : 'Who we are?'
Section 3: What did we do

We wanted to understand what problems blind people currently have to deal with on the Internet, and in what way they deal with these problems. Based on findings from observing blind users use the Internet we identified three different focus areas for solutions to improve website navigation for blind users. The section offers detailed information on how the research was set up and conducted, as well as a report of the findings.
Click here to enter section 3: 'What did we do'
Section 4: Resources
Visit this section for interesting links to other accessibility related resources
Click here to enter section 4: 'Resources'