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David Liddle's chapter called "Design
of the Conceptual Model" in T. Winograd (ed) Bringing
Design to Software (1996) (pp17-31)
- provides a good overview.
Jeff Johnson and Austin Henderson (2002),
"Conceptual Models: Begin by Designing What to Design."
Interactions, volume IX.1. ACM
- This is a very good article, describing in detail how to
design a conceptual model, once you have collected all your
requirements, done your task analysis and created user profiles.
Summed up by their position, which we wholeheartedly support:
"get the bone structure right, then flesh it out"
(p. 26)
An example of a novel
conceptual model based on gesturing movements in a 3D information
space is discussed in a short
paper by David Allport, Earl Rennison, and
Lisa Strausfeld entitled "Issues of gestural navigation
in abstract information spaces", CHI '95 proceedings.

A discussion of how well-designed interface
metaphors can make interfaces 'intuitable' can be read on
Togs website.
There are also several sites that provide
examples of bad (and occasionally good) interface metaphors.
One of the most well known is the �Interface
Hall of Shame: Misplaced Metaphors�

A good overview of the emergence of the ubiquitous
computing paradigm was compiled by the late Mark Weiser.
It has lots of links to other resources (e.g, cartoons, papers,
The latest on other emerging paradigms can
be found by looking at what research groups are doing at universities
like MIT
and Georgia Tech and
also some of the research collaborations that are working
on innovative, blue-sky projects, like Equator
and Cooltown.