Chapter 9: The Process of Interaction Design

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This site contains an online version of IDEO's method cards which illustrate different techniques for inspiring design, gaining insights into user's goals, and generating alternatives.

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If you are interested in learning more about patents and copyright, read up here about the controversy of the Amazon 1-click patent.

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Agile methods and user-centred design: the original debate
The issue of integrating agile methods and user-centered design has been discussed for several years, although interest in the CHI community has now lessened. There is a lot of information about agile methods available on the Internet, but less is written concerning the integration of these two approaches. However there is a yahoo discussion group at One popular agile method is eXtreme Programming (XP), and a good starting point to find out more about XP is Also see the Connextra case study on this site. Background information about agile methods is at

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