New in the 3rd Edition

What's new in the 3rd edition? To reflect the dynamic nature of the field, the third edition has been thoroughly updated and new examples, images, case studies, dilemmas, and so on have been included to illustrate the changes. Old examples and methods no longer used in the field have been removed to make way for the new material. Some chapters have been completely rewritten whilst others have been extensively revised. For example, Chapter 4 has a new emphasis, reflecting the way social media technologies have transformed how we socialize and communicate, while also covering the new interaction design issues they raise, such as privacy. Chapter 6 now covers 20 different kinds of interface, with discussions on new hot topics, such as the pros and cons of GUIs versus NUIs. We have also included new interviews with six fresh faces, who are involved in innovative research, state-of-the-art design, and contemporary practice. (The previous interviews, also updated, are available here.)

The new edition addresses many more questions concerning the what, why, and how of interaction design. These include:

  • Why some interfaces are good and others bad
  • Whether people can really multitask
  • How technology is transforming the way people communicate with one another
  • What user needs are and how we can design for them
  • How interfaces can be designed to radically change people's behavior
  • How to choose between the many different kinds of interactions that are now available (e.g. talking, touching, wearing)
  • What it means to design truly accessible interfaces
  • The pros and cons of carrying out studies in the lab versus in the wild
  • When to use qualitative versus quantitative methods
  • When to use informed consent forms and when not
  • How the detail of interview questions affects the conclusions that can safely be drawn
  • How to move from a set of scenarios, personas, and use cases to initial low-fidelity prototypes
  • How to represent the results of data analysis clearly
  • Why is it that what people say can be different from what they do
  • The ethics of monitoring and recording people's activities