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The assignment in chapter
6 asks you to design and evaluate a timepiece. This may sound
daunting task, so we suggest here some issues that might help
you when tackling it.
The idea behind a clock is to communicate
the time. Traditionally this has been done using an essentially
round clock face (the surround may in fact be any shape, but
having rotating hands inevitably results in an essentially
round display). Digital watches which display the time in
numbers bring a different kind of accuracy to time keeping,
and also lend themselves to a different kind of design.
Some design considerations:
- What kind of watch is it to be: wrist,
mantel, casement etc? This influences the size and the
practicality of some designs.
- How accurately does the watch need to
display the time? For a stop watch used in sports or in
timing experiments, the timepiece needs to have great
accuracy, down to tenths or hundredths of a second. However,
for other purposes, the accuracy can be within one or
two seconds, and in other cases within a minute may suffice.
- It needs to show a changing state, and
this requires something to move. This can be achieved
by having two shapes moving across each other (e.g. a
sundial has essentially two shapes moving one over the
other), or by the transference of a substance from one
place to another, e.g. water going from one container
to another, or light gradually increasing and decreasing
in intensity.
- What will power the clock? This may be
electricity, or mechanical, but it may also be solar or
driven by a more unusual power source such as a potato
or apple. (Yes, they do exist and they do work!)
- Also, take a look at this intriguing
example of a clock design!