“Welcome to ID-book.com. This is a companion website for the book Interaction Design: beyond human-computer interaction (2nd edition).
On this site, you'll find some general interaction design web links, and a variety of resources and activities to support your exploration of interaction design. We've included a large number of case studies which expand on outline descriptions given in the book. These are designed to show you different ways in which interaction design is carried out in practice – both in research and in industry. For each chapter of the book, there are extra web resources, a set of powerpoint slides and comments on the chapter's main assignment.
Two aspects of the website that were developed for the first edition of the book remain unaltered, as they proved to be quite popular and are still relevant today: the interactivities. The interactivities are your chance to learn about interaction design by doing some interaction; they are designed to make you think about some of the issues raised in the book, and are intended to be fun.
We hope you will learn something new about interaction design from this site, but above all, we hope you have fun exploring what it has to offer!
“An exceptional book that helps bring design thinking and a human perspective to the conceptualization and development of technology-based products and systems.”
Bill Buxton, Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research
“Interaction Design has been my textbook of choice for general HCI courses at both undergraduate and masters level for several years. It is authoritative while also being eminently readable and thought-provoking for students.”
Ann Blandford, Director of UCL Interaction Centre and Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, University College London.
“In the field of interaction design, one book stands out, a book that has established itself at the core of the discipline. With this new edition, the authors have successfully strengthened that position. The new structure and the timely content make the book highly relevant and much needed. Anyone who wants to learn the fundamentals of interaction design should read this book.”
Erik Stolterman, Director, Human-Computer Interaction Design, Indiana University.
If you are looking for resources from the First Edition, please click below
