To support your use of our book, we offer some extra resources for each of our chapters. Using the navigation bar above or the list of links below, you'll find:
- The chapter introduction and aims, as they appear in the book
- A set of web resources that extend the subject treatment in the book. The number of links that we could include for each chapter is enormous, but as you have no doubt discovered when using the web, some links go to dead ends, and others are not very useful. We have been fairly discriminating in suggesting links and we have included only a few per chapter. If you discover other great links that you think should be included, or if you find that any existing links have gone dead, please let us know on submissions@id-book.com
- We have included comments on the assignment at the end of each chapter. For those requiring further support or ideas, these should help inspire and guide you.
- A set of teaching materials (Powerpoint slides) based on the chapter content. For copyright reasons we have not been able to include all of the figures and diagrams that appear in the book, but they can of course be supplemented by your own figures.