Chapter Introduction
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This is a website dedicated to the Volere template and process. It includes useful resources and downloadable versions of the template as well as frequently-asked questions and access to a discussion group. This is where the updated version of the Volere requirements template will appear. Another useful page from the Atlantic Systems Guild containing resources for requirements engineering is www.systemsguild.com/GuildSite/Guild/resources.html. It links to articles, tool surveys, research projects, interest groups etc.

Alistair Cockburn has been working with use cases, and with people-oriented concerns in software development for a long time. His website includes an article about how to structure use cases with goals, and some subsequent discussion about it. You'll also find some interesting reflections on human factors in software projects.

This is the website for InContext, Karen Holtzblatt's company, who developed the Contextual Inquiry approach to establishing requirements. The Methodology section of this website describes the full Contextual Design method, including Contextual Inquiry. The website also provides downloadable tools to support the use of Contextual Design.