Chapter Introduction
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The websites in this section present different ways of classifying evaluation methods that you can compare with the DECIDE framework introduced in Chapter 13.
http://usableweb.com This site was created by Keith Instone. It provides many links to sites that deal with different aspects of web usability. There are links to guidelines, examples of poor design and other information that will help you to select which methods to use in your own evaluations. http://usableweb.com/topics/000862-0-0.html provides an alternative way of classifying evaluation methods, so is particularly relevant to this chapter.
http://jthom.best.vwh.net/usability/ The Usability Methods Toolbox site, developed by James Hom, was last updated in 1998 but it contains many useful links to sites that discuss usability evaluation methods that we discuss in our book and offers an alternative framework for their classification.
http://www.otal.umd.edu/hci-rm/index.html This site offers a classification and descriptions of some key techniques. Graduate Students at University of Maryland developed this site. There is also a section that discusses the role of theory in HCI design and evaluation.
http://universalusability.org/ This site groups information about different methods under three headings: testing, inspection and inquiry. The information that it provides is very mixed in quality so be particularly discerning. Suggested further reading is given at the end of many sections, which refers readers to the same text, suggesting that much of the information on this site comes from a limited range of sources. Some of the good parts include a link to Gary Perlman's site on questionnaires and good descriptions of inspection techniques.